Review and updates to General Practice (e-GP) e-learning programme - elearning for healthcare
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Review and updates to General Practice (e-GP) e-learning programme

Alex Drinkall, 31 July 2018

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) is working with subject matter experts to undertake a review of 48 sessions within the General Practice 2012 Curriculum (e-GP) elearning Programme.

This review includes elearning modules covering the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) curriculum such as Genetics in Primary Care, Care of People with Intellectual Disability, End of Life Care and others.

The sessions are being rewritten and updated by the RCGP and will be released to the HEE elfh Hub throughout 2018.

The e-GP resource provides a programme of elearning modules covering the RCGP curriculum. Each module is made up of reflective and interactive elearning sessions that enhance GP training and support preparation for appraisal and revalidation.

For more information about the e-GP programme please visit:

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