New e-learning session added to Sexual Health and HIV programme - elearning for healthcare
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New e-learning session added to Sexual Health and HIV programme

Alex Drinkall, 10 October 2019

A new elearning session on chemsex is now available as part of Health Education England elearning for healthcare’s (HEE elfh) Sexual Health and HIV (eHIV-STI) programme.

Chemsex can be described as sex whilst under the influence of drugs that have been taken immediately before or during a sexual session. The most frequently reported drugs (referred to as ‘chems’) used are Mephedrone, GHB and Methamphetamine.

Problematic use of these ‘chems’ is increasingly being identified in UK sexual health clinics and is a risk factor for the acquisition of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

The elearning’s lead authors Dr Andrew Tomkins, consultant in Sexual Health and HIV in Chester Sexual Health services, and Dr Chris Ward, consultant in Sexual Health and HIV at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, have worked with colleagues in Genitourinary Medicine and Addiction Psychiatry to develop the session which is available here.

eHIV-STI has been developed by the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), the Royal College of Physicians, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in partnership with HEE elfh.

Further elearning sessions on HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PREP), Diagnosing Mycoplasma Genitalium, Transgender Sexual Health and Domestic Violence, are currently in development.

For more information about the new session please visit:

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