New content added to the Advanced Threat Protection programme - elearning for healthcare
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New content added to the Advanced Threat Protection programme

Leanne Hargreaves, 22 October 2020
Advanced Threat Protection

Since 2019, Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) have been working with NHS Digital to develop the Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) elearning programme.

This free elearning programme aims to upskill NHS ATP administrators to use the Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection service.

In addition to the five initial sessions, HEE elfh and NHS Digital have now launched further content to add to the programme.

The latest session ‘PowerBI Reporting’ covers using Power BI to extract data with ATP’s reporting Application Programming Interface (API), and present this data using charts and visualisations or export it for manipulation in software such as Excel.

The programme currently consists of the following six sessions with more planned for the future.

  • Introduction to ATP
  • Understanding Alerts and Incidents
  • Threat Analytics
  • Threat and Vulnerability Management
  • Managing ATP Incidents and Alerts
  • PowerBI Reporting

The Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection service, included within the Windows 10 licencing deal purchased centrally by the Department of Health and Social Care, is for the benefit of local NHS organisations and the NHS as a whole. It is part of a broader portfolio of data and cyber security services managed by NHS Digital. ATP Administrators across the NHS would benefit from being upskilled in using ATP’s features and its dashboards so they can further advance their organisational resilience to cyber security threats.

For more information about the elearning programme, including details of how to access it, visit:

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elfh is an NHS England Programme in partnership with the NHS and Professional Bodies