Final module added to Literature Searching e-learning programme - elearning for healthcare
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Final module added to Literature Searching e-learning programme

Alex Drinkall, 11 September 2018
Literature Searching

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked with librarians at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to launch the final module within its Literature Searching elearning programme.

The Literature Searching programme aims to support health and social care professionals find evidence for their work and study.

Module 7, How to Search the Healthcare Databases, aims to pull together the learning from earlier modules within the programme and apply the skills learnt here to use the Healthcare Databases Advanced Search , which is provided through a partnership between HEE and NICE.

This final module can also be used in its own right by people who are familiar with literature searching but would like to try searching the Healthcare Databases for the first time or need to refresh their skills. Module 7 is accessible without having completed the earlier modules.

The resource is a mix of explanatory material, video demonstrations and opportunities to ‘check understanding’ via practice search screens.

To access the elearning visit: . It will be available on ESR shortly.

If you require further assistance contact your local healthcare library team. Check the Health Library and Information Services Directory to find your local library.

If there is no arrangement in place, your key contact is the Regional Library and Knowledge Services lead :

HEE London and the South East
HEE Midlands and the East
HEE North
HEE South

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elfh is an NHS England Programme in partnership with the NHS and Professional Bodies