AICC functionality: Chrome browser - close window behaviour UPDATE - elearning for healthcare
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AICC functionality: Chrome browser - close window behaviour UPDATE

Alex Drinkall, 4 February 2020
AICC functionality: Chrome browser - close window behaviour UPDATE

Further to the previous news item released on 16 January 2020, Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) can now confirm that the change to the close window behaviour will be contained in the next version of the Chrome browser, version 80. The change is to alter what happens on the close of a browser window and may affect the recording of learner activity when some elfh sessions are accessed via AICC.

For more technical detail of this specific change, please view Google’s information:

During our testing we have found that this affects what happens when an elearning session is closed remotely by an external Learning Management System (LMS) using our AICC functionality. An error is produced which may, or may not, result in the learner’s activity being recorded. (This is dependent on how the external LMS launches the session).

We are actively working on preventative measures within our session templates to use a different communication method on the close of the window. However, this would rely on a rebuild of each session being used via AICC and as we have a very large catalogue of content available; this is a substantial task. We will address the most popular sessions and update these first, but it will take several weeks to update all the sessions. At this stage the work to rebuild the sessions is not complete.

The update from Chrome is due to be rolled out by Google from 4 February 2020. Following the update, if the error is encountered, a different browser can be used.

Please be assured that the elfh Hub has been updated to allow Chrome users to continue to access our elearning sessions via the elfh Hub and their activity will continue to be accurately recorded.

Further updates will be posted on this blog as to whether Google make this change and our plans, if required, to update the sessions.

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elfh is an NHS England Programme in partnership with the NHS and Professional Bodies