Medico-legal Training programme - elearning for healthcare
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Medico-legal Training programme

Alex Drinkall, 14 June 2019
Medico-legal Training programme

A new elearning programme from Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) aims to support health and care professionals with court-related experiences.

The Medico-legal Training programme provides resources for doctors and other health and care professionals who may be asked to write a statement or report or give evidence in a coroners’ or other court for the first time. It aims to offer support for what can be, for many, a daunting experience.

It includes brief video lectures and PowerPoint slides from the lectures as well as sample statements and references.

Course materials were developed by HEE Kent, Surrey and Sussex with staff from the London Havens, and health professionals with experience of the legal system. The Havens are sexual assault referral centres which have developed considerable experience in training clinicians to undertake forensic examinations and aftercare.

The elearning resource is available now on the elfh Hub and will soon also be available on the Electronic Staff Record (ESR).

For more information about the programme visit:

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