NHS Knowledge Mobilisation Framework Programme now live - elearning for healthcare
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NHS Knowledge Mobilisation Framework Programme now live

Alex Drinkall, 18 September 2018
Knowledge Mobilisation Framework Latest News

The NHS Knowledge Mobilisation Framework is designed to help individuals working in health and care to develop skills to mobilise knowledge effectively in their organisations.

The framework aims to help them to learn before, during and after everything that they do so that best practice is replicated and pitfalls can be avoided. It introduces 11 techniques to help plan, co-ordinate and implement knowledge mobilisation activities.

To complement the elearning there are also a suite of postcards, which are available to download here: https://kfh.libraryservices.nhs.uk/knowledge-management/nhs-knowledge-mobilisation-framework-postcards/

The programme is a re-working of an original concept devised by what was the Department of Health Connecting for Health Knowledge Management Team and the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Library and Knowledge Services Team.

The elearning programme is available to access via the elfh Hub and ESR. For more information about the programme please visit: https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/knowledge-mobilisation-framework/

Or speak to your regional library lead:

HEE London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex: louise.goswami@hee.nhs.uk

HEE Midlands and the East: ruth.carlyle@hee.nhs.uk

HEE North: david.stewart@hee.nhs.uk

HEE South: helen.bingham@hee.nhs.uk

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elfh is an NHS England Programme in partnership with the NHS and Professional Bodies