New Speech, Language and Communication e-learning resources now available - elearning for healthcare
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New Speech, Language and Communication e-learning resources now available

Leanne Hargreaves, 25 January 2021
Best Start in Speech, Language and Communication

Health Education England elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh) has worked in partnership with Public Health England (PHE) and the Department for Education, to develop 2 free elearning resources to support the development of children’s speech, language and communication skills for health visiting teams and early years practitioners working with children aged 0-5 years and their families.

Best Start in Speech, Language and Communication programme

The ability to communicate is a skill that starts early in life and continues across the life course. While we each develop at a different pace, there are key milestones in speech, language and communication (SLC) development. When these are not reached, they indicate that additional support may need to be offered to a young child and their parents or carers. Through early identification of development needs and working in partnership with parents to support their child’s speech, language and communication skills, health visiting teams, speech and language therapists and early years practitioners can make a difference for children and help them to achieve their full potential.

Working through the 3 modules in the Best Start in Speech, Language and Communication training programme will give health visiting teams and early years practitioners an introduction into SLC development, the importance of the home learning environment, SLC risk factors, early indicators of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), a behaviour change model, assessment tools, and resources.

How to access the elearning

The Best Start in Speech, Language and Communication elearning programme is available to the health and care workforce and early years practitioners working with children and families. Access the elearning resources via the elearning for healthcare Best Start in Speech, Language and Communication programme page  and within the SLC Interactive Pathway.

All our Health’s Speech, Language and Communication elearning session

The Speech, Language and Communication session is a bite-sized resource within HEE elfh’s All Our Health elearning programme which provides health and care professionals with an overview of data and key evidence plus signposting to trusted resources to help promote children’s speech, language and communication development. A knowledge check is also available to support learning.

The session is aimed at health and care professionals working with children and families. It is one of 24 resources within All Our Health which aim to improve colleagues’ knowledge, confidence and skills in preventing illness, protecting health and promoting wellbeing. Other topics covered within the programme include childhood obesity, dementia, mental health and immunisation.

For more information about All Our Health and to access the Speech, Language and Communication session, visit the All Our Health programme page.

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elfh is an NHS England Programme in partnership with the NHS and Professional Bodies