New healthier weight e-learning for the health and care workforce - elearning for healthcare
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New healthier weight e-learning for the health and care workforce

Rachel Gowland, 17 December 2020
Healthier Weight Competency Framework

The healthier weight competency framework aims to prevent excess weight with early intervention from the health and care workforce. It is grounded in a person-centered approach and aligns with making every contact count.

The framework was designed to provide the health and care workforce with guidance in promoting a healthier weight. This includes frontline staff, managers, commissioners and leaders of teams, services and organisations, in different roles and settings.

The framework can be used by staff working with any community or group within the population, including children, adults, pregnant women, care givers and vulnerable groups.

About the healthier weight competency framework elearning programme

Based on role type, the elearning programme consists of three modules which break down the healthier weight competency framework for:

  • frontline health and care staff – competencies required for engaging with people about a healthier weight in an informed and sensitive way
  • managers – competencies required for facilitating an informed and sensitive system wide approach to a healthier weight
  • commissioners and leaders – competencies required for facilitating an informed and sensitive system wide approach to a healthier weight.

Written by experts in the healthier weight competency framework, activities in three modules follow key principles in the framework: engage, assess and enable, including links to related elfh elearning sessions and additional information.

How to access the elearning

To learn more, please visit the healthier weight competency framework elearning programme page.

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elfh is an NHS England Programme in partnership with the NHS and Professional Bodies